Melt Native Tokens
Code Example
The following example will:
- Initialize your account
- Retrieve your
account - Retrieve your balance and check for current number of melted tokens
- Proceed to Melt 10 tokens
- Wait for tangle consensus and resync, following that check if the number of melted tokens have increased
public class MeltNativeTokensExample
public static async Task Run()
//Register all of the dependencies into a collection of services
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection().AddIotaWalletServices();
//Install services to service provider which is used for dependency injection
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
//Use serviceprovider to create a scope, which disposes of all services at end of scope
using (IServiceScope scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
//Request IWallet service from service provider
IWallet wallet = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IWallet>();
//Build wallet using a fluent-style configuration api
wallet = wallet
//Let's retrieve our cookiemonster account
(GetAccountResponse accountResponse, IAccount? account) = await wallet.GetAccountAsync("cookiemonster");
Console.WriteLine($"GetAccountAsync: {accountResponse}");
if (account == null)
Console.WriteLine("There was a problem retreiving the account.");
SyncAccountResponse syncAccountResponse = await account.SyncAccountAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"SyncAccountAsync: {syncAccountResponse}");
GetBalanceResponse getBalanceResponse = await account.GetBalanceAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"GetBalanceAsync: {getBalanceResponse}");
* You can get a specific native token by looking at the tokenId.
* For this example, we are just getting the first native token available which has atleast 10 tokens,
* since we are intending to melt 10 tokens.
* */
NativeTokenBalance? nativeTokenBalance = getBalanceResponse.Payload?.NativeTokens?.First(nativeTokenBalance => nativeTokenBalance.Available.FromHexEncodedAmountToInt64() > 10);
if (nativeTokenBalance == null)
throw new Exception("No native tokens found that has atleast 10 tokens available...");
string tokenId = nativeTokenBalance.TokenId;
GetFoundryOutputResponse getFoundryOutputResponse = await account.GetFoundryOutputAsync(tokenId);
SimpleTokenScheme simpleTokenScheme = (getFoundryOutputResponse.Payload!.TokenScheme as SimpleTokenScheme)!;
ulong originalNumberOfMeltedTokens = simpleTokenScheme.MeltedTokens.FromHexEncodedAmountToUInt64();
ulong totalMintedSupply = simpleTokenScheme.MintedTokens.FromHexEncodedAmountToUInt64();
ulong totalMaximumSupply = simpleTokenScheme.MaximumSupply.FromHexEncodedAmountToUInt64();
Console.WriteLine($"Melted: {originalNumberOfMeltedTokens}\nMinted: {totalMintedSupply}\nMax: {totalMaximumSupply}");
string amount = 10.ToHexEncodedAmount();
MeltNativeTokensResponse meltNativeTokensResponse = await account.MeltNativeTokensAsync(tokenId, amount);
await account.SyncAccountAsync();
getFoundryOutputResponse = await account.GetFoundryOutputAsync(tokenId);
simpleTokenScheme = (getFoundryOutputResponse.Payload!.TokenScheme as SimpleTokenScheme)!;
ulong latestNumberOfMeltedTokens = simpleTokenScheme.MeltedTokens.FromHexEncodedAmountToUInt64();
if (latestNumberOfMeltedTokens > originalNumberOfMeltedTokens)
Console.WriteLine($"Melted {amount.FromHexEncodedAmountToInt64()} number of tokens successfully.");
throw new Exception("Melting of tokens was unsuccessful or you might have to wait longer for your transaction to be confirmed.");